Laugh all the way to the bank by joining our reseller program in VoIP segment.
The VoIP market is burgeoning and resellers in IT segments have a golden opportunity to convert their customers from standard telephony to VoIP services. In association with global leaders in the field we offer VoIP reseller programs to interested entrepreneurs in the IT field.
As a reseller you get the benefit of wholesale rates and we provide total consultancy, guidance and turnkey solutions that you can implement for your clients. We provide a customized control panel for VoIP operations in which users can set call rates, recharge their account, access and monitor call logs and your subset of customers.
As experts in VoIP implementations and serving Call Center industry verticals since years, we have experience and the knowledge to provide full support from training to handling any ongoing issues and providing valuable insights to give the best to your customers, engage more and benefit. You take care of generating business; we take care of the technical side of it in a win-win situation.
How our VoIP Reseller programs work?
Our VoIP reseller program is very simple and most reliable and you can start earning money easily.
- First you have to create you reseller account.
- When you will login into your account you will be able to create and manage account of your customers.
- Edit the type of your customer.
- Select rate list for your customers. Thus you can select the margin for yourself.
- Also you can make special offers to your customers for special destinations.
- Collect the charge or money from your customers.
- Recharge your Reselling Account.
Thus in this way you can setup your own business by becoming our VoIP Reseller. We also provide full technical support and training for other required techniques and material so that you can generate more and more business uninterruptedly. VoIP market is growing exponentially since many years hence you can easily leverage the high demand for VoIP Solutions and become a successful business.
Benefits of VoIP Reseller Program:
VoIP Resellers are going to earn big profit. They can also charge some monthly rate if they like to. Just like other resellers you can decide your own profit margins. You just have to find attractive rates for your customers.

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